

Michael Rhodes

I help men get through Divorce by walking with them, passing on knowledge gained from my own journey of rising from the ashes of the destruction of my marriage. I cant fix you, but I can give you the tools to rise up, a Phoenix, from your Divorce.

I offer two different programs. Info on both programs can be found Here
When I began my Divorce journey, in July 0f 2019, I found little resources for Men going through Divorce. There were plenty of books, podcasts, coaches, and websites dealing with Divorce, but very little specifically for Men.  That is why I have created all that I have. That is why I went to Lumia Life Coaching School (run by The Angry Therapist, John Kim), graduated from the Alpha Code Academy, and started my podcast.  My intention is, to help Men through Divorce. I want to take all I have learned and help you achieve the growth and progress that I have had in life.