Men Rising From Divorce - A Rising Phoenix Podcast
A podcast for men going through an unwanted divorce or breakup.
178 episodes
Episode 177 - What The Future Holds - Solo
In this solo episode I discuss the future of the Discord Server.
Episode 177
Episode 176 - Midlife Crisis - Marriage Expert Larry Bilotta
In this episode I interview Marriage expert Larry Bilotta. We focus on all things, Midlife Crisis. For me personally, this was a very eye opening episode.https://larrybilotta.com/
Episode 176

Episode 175 - Embrace Then Reframe: Finding Light From The Dark - Solo
In this episode I talk about the process I use for managing the dark emotions that we face during this journey.
Episode 175
Episode 174 - Being Single Beats Bad Relationships? - Professor Sebastian
In this episode I discuss research on the happiness of people in relationships vs those that are single with Professor Sebastian Ocklenburg. We also discuss the role that touch plays in determining happiness.
Episode 174
Episode 173 - You Dont Need To Forgive? - Therapist Amanda Ann Gregory
In this episode I discuss forgiveness and whether or not it is necessary with Trauma Therapist, Amanda Ann Gregory. We also discuss healing from trauma and steps you can take to make that happen.https://www.amandaanngregory.com/
Episode 173
Episode 172 - Why Am I Doing This? - Solo
In this episode I cover a few topics; where I am with dating and what I am trying to accomplish with this podcast.
Episode 172
Episode 171 - Attachment Styles - Bev Mitelman
In this episode I talk to Bev Mitleman about attachment styles. What they are, how the develop and if they can be changed.https://securelyloved.com/
Episode 171
Episode 170 - Depression & The Brain - Dominika Staniewicz
In this episode I interview Brain Coach Dominika Staniewicz about Depression. We discuss how it shows up in the brain and things to do to alleviate it. https://linktr.ee/yourbraincoachdhttps://yourbraincoachd.com/
Episode 170
Episode 169 - Own Your F*cking Feelings - Solo
In this episode I discuss recent events that show my growth and how owning my f*cking feelings was part of that growth.Join the mailing list - https://sendfox.com/risingphoenixpodcast
Episode 169
Episode 168- Opportunity & A Sh*t Sandwich - Divorce Coach Andra Davidson
In this episode I focus on the opportunity and the shit sandwhich that Divorce is with Divorce Coach Andra Davidson. https://betterthanbeforedivorce.com/
Episode 168
Episode 167 - The Mind Is A Terrible Master - Solo
In this episode I reinforce something I talk about in Episode 165
Episode 167
Episode 166 - Healing Emotional Wounds - Dr. Dean Sunseri
In this episode I speak with Dr. Dean Sunseri about healing emotional wounds, spirituality, manhood, and forgiveness. Check out his website; https://www.ihaveavoice.com/
Episode 166
Episode 165 - I Figured It All Out! - Solo (podcast stats, rejection, attachment styles)
In this episode I cover a few stats, give an apology, and talk about how I navigated the recent rejection that I've experienced.
Episode 165
Episode 164 - What Does It Take To Be A Man - Therapist Marc Azoulay (masculinity, femininity, male suicide)
In this episode I talk with the founder of Men's Therapy Online about masculinity, what it means to be a man, femininity, male suicide and the importance of Men's groups.https://menstherapy.online/
Episode 164
Episode 163 - Am I A Better Man? - Solo (closure, what got me through, dating sucks)
In this episode I cover a few different things. I start with reading some comments, briefly talking about closure, then I focus on what got me through the first 12 months, and lastly, I talk about a recent dating experience, and how I thi...
Episode 163
Episode 162 - This Is Why You Can't Be Alone - Therapist Steven Ing (emotional neediness, masculinity, asking for help)
In this episode I discuss why people want to jump into relationships so quickly, being masculine, and why men struggle to reach out for help.https://stevening.com/
Episode 162
Episode 161 - I'm In Crisis - Solo (de-escalation, hope, & connection)
In this episode I speak to those in crisis in order to hopefully help them get through a difficult period. There is a very short breathing exercise, my own story of being in crisis, and a message of hope. I also cover a few housekee...
Episode 161
Episode 160 - Closure - Solo
In this episode I cover new listener locations, read some fan mail, discuss a subtle change to the podcast, and talk about what I believe closure is.
Episode 160
Episode 159 - Loneliness - Dr. Pam Garcy
In this episode I discuss all things loneliness with Dr. Pam Garcy.
Episode 159
Episode 158 - How To, Do The "Work" - Solo
In this solo episode I cover how I think you, Do the "work"
Episode 158
Episode 157 - Overcoming Challenges - Dr. Jeff Karp
I this episode I interview Dr. Jeff Karp about how he has overcome challenges in his life and the tools and methods he has used to do so.https://www.jeffkarp.com/
Episode 157
Episode 156 - I Had No One There For Me - Solo
In this episode I talk about a recent experience that made me feel, alone, again.
Episode 156

Episode 155 - Slipknot, Self Worth, & Vulnerability - Counselor Taylor Palmby
In this episode I interview counselor Taylor Palmby. We have a wide ranging conversation about the band Slipknot, and their videos, as well as self worth, vulnerability and losing someone close to you due to suicide.https://www.he...
Episode 155